Welcome to Primary 4

Mrs Donnelly, Miss Garland & Áine

Our Stars Of The Week


Our Stars Of The Week 〰️


Our End of Year Trip to Duffland- A great day had by all!


Our Science Experiment, linked to Our Topic Food Glorious Food…

World Water Day

Eco Day


World Book Day


The Musical- A Whole New World


Valentine Themed Activities


Children’s Mental Health Week


Internet Safety


Well done to Our Mathletes!


Promoting Our Healthy Eating Programme in School…

P.4. Enjoyed a Healthy Smoothie.


P.4. enjoyed using their ICT skills to design their own book on Book Creator


Smile! Santa’s Coming to Town…


We had a Special Visitor in School on Friday!!


We enjoyed creating our Christmas Baubles


Our Year 4 class celebrated the Sacrament of Reconciliation


Our Festive Daily Mile


Festive Fridays


Outdoor Numeracy Fun


Our Pumpkin Patch


Look at our beautiful carved pumpkins and spooky costumes …


Some spooky creations

Fancy a Halloween Cupcake?

P.4 Certainly enjoyed baking and eating these delicious cupcakes!!


Maths Week in the P.4. Classroom


Maths Week in the P.4. Classroom 〰️


We have been learning about the different layers of the rainforest as an introduction to our new topic.


Enjoying Gymnastics

We are learning balance and movement sequences. We are learning to transfer weight from one body part to another and strengthen our core muscles as well. This will help us day to day and in the school setting too. We will be fit for life 🧘‍♀️🧘‍♂️🤸‍♀️🤸‍♂️