Early Morning Drop off Club

The school is open to pupils from 8:15am for those who wish to arrive early. The cost for this service is £1 per day. 

All other pupils are welcome to come into school after 8.45am and should make their way to their classrooms. 

Morning Break

FS and KS1- 10.15- 10.30

KS2- 10.30-10.45am

We encourage all children to eat a healthy break at this time.

Pupils may also avail of a snack offered by our School Meals Staff.

Lunch Break 

P1, P2, P3 and P4: 11.45-12.30pm

P5, P6 and P7: 12.15pm–1.00pm

Hot dinners are served daily in the Canteen at a cost of £2.60 per day. All pupils are asked to bring their money in a clearly marked envelope at the beginning of each week . 

Pupils may also take a packed lunch.

End of School Day

P1 and P2: 2.00pm

A bus waiting facility is available for P1 and P2 pupils who take the bus home at 3.00pm.

P3-P7: 3.00pm