Mrs. Campbell and Caroline

Welcome to Primary 1

We are so excited to be back in school and welcome all our new faces to the classroom and the family of St. Joseph’s. Our P2 children are doing a great job of mentoring them.

We have a great year in store! Check back often to see what we are getting up to.

Our new P1 children- With thanks to Jason McCartan for the beautiful photograph!

P1 and P2 January/February Newsletter

Click Here for the January/February Newsletter

Primary 1&2’s

November News!

Forest School Fun!

Day 1 - Click the link to see what we got up with with our Forest School Leader, Brian!

Day 2- Click on the picture below to see us building dens, fires and having hot orange.

Click here to see Week 2- building dens, fires and enjoying hot orange juice.

October Newsletter

Exploring Autumn

Sorting our colours!

Outdoor Play

‘Me Bags’

September Newsletter